Single-Screen Powerhouse
The iEFIS Lite series from MGL Avionics is set to revolutionize the small airplane instrument panel. If just a single EFIS screen is required in your Experimental airplane, the iEFIS Lite offers everything needed.
The iEFIS Lite series is largely identical to the iEFIS “Full” system with a few architectural and capability differences. The iEFIS Lite series lacks the iBox as the majority of its functions are built into the display. This does come at the expense of the ability to connect ARINC 429 Navigators, which makes the iEFIS Lite best used in VFR applications. Additionally, AOA and Analog/Digital inputs as well as 4 of the 6 RS-232 ports from the iBox are instead moved to an optional device called the iEFIS Extender.
With the elimination of the iBox, we gain a built in GPS, attitude sensor, airspeed pressure sensor as well as altimeter. It has a CAN bus as well as two RS232 ports, for external devices such as radios and transponders/ADS-B transceivers. The “Lites” do not support video inputs or the VGA video output (for that you need the standard iEFIS system).
The single CAN bus supports any number of MGL Avionics devices, such as autopilot servos, engine monitoring modules (RDACs), flap and trim controller, transponders and SP-6 Compass sensor. You can also connect up to three external SP-7 attitude sensors if required.
The iEFIS Lite is a stand-alone system unlike our standard iEFIS systems where you can have multiple, joined panels in a complex infrastructure.
iEFIS Lite is joined by the iEFIS Extender, which adds 4 additional RS-232 ports for those with lots of equipment, as well as analog and digital inputs.
“Lite’s” are straight forward to install and make great panels for many smaller aircraft that would like a sophisticated EFIS but without the cost and complications of a large system.
A typical Lite system would be: The Discovery-Lite panel, an RDAC for engine monitoring (if needed), and perhaps an SP-6 compass. That is it! Add autopilot servos for an even greater overall deal…
The panel may be mounted at any pitch angle relative to the aircraft despite the built-in AHRS. The AHRS can be easily rotated to provide the expected image.
You can completely customize the screens like you can do with our other iEFIS systems and you can also select from many built-in choices for a quick “plug and play” installation.
Like all our G4 iEFIS systems it comes with a World wide high resolution terrain database built in plus a World wide vector map.
Notably, the G4 iEFIS systems boots to operational state in roughly 4 from application of power. GPS is online 0.5 seconds later (provided you have not moved more than 500 Km from last known fix and a fix is possible). Synthetic vision, terrain data, maps etc are all up and live in a blink of an eye.
The iEFIS Lite is available in our Explorer (8.5″) and Challenger (10.4″) formats.
Also available is the iEFIS MX2, which is the replacement for the Discovery Lite from the G3 systems.
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